The van has been making this strange noise for a long time and it kept getting louder, so we had it looked at by 3 mechanics and the concensus was it needs a new transmission. So, we had the choice of 1900.00 for a rebuilt or 3500.00 for a new one. Well after just getting a new house we didn't want to have to spend that money. So, a friend of Mike's from work told him to check the safety bulletins put out by Toyota, there was one for the transmissions on the 2000 Siennas. BUT, we were over the milage to be accepted, well I knew of course God would handle it but the guy from the Toyota dealership called the other day after they looked at it and told us that they would cover the labor if we just paid for parts!! It's going to be less than 700.00!!!! YAHOOOOOO!
The kids are doing a lot better with school, the friends are coming, and Isabel said the other night "you know Mom, I have an opportunity to have a lot of good friends here" and that was a great moment for a mom. Sam will always have friends 'cause he is like a comedian and he makes everyone laugh.
Last weekend we went to this annual community event called "Quarry Quest", this is a fundraiser that makes money for all the children's charities in our area. Ok, they open up a Quary that they have been preparing for months with Dump Truck Rides, Hummer Rides, Fishing, Rock wall climbing, gigantic slingshots, the kids can drive the earth movers...oh I'll just have to put on some pictures because it it so strange you just have to see it..but the kids had a GREAT TIME! They try to help children understand the mining industry.
Here is a link if you want to check it out.