One of the great things about Wisconsin is people are very thrifty. One of my most embarassing moments was when we replaced our toilet, Mike said to put it in front of the house and someone would want it and it would be gone, after 24 hours I was sure it wasn't going to happen. Then just when I was going to rescue my dignity and hide it behind the house some young kid asked me if he could have it.
Well, people here put EVERYTHING in front of their houses that they don't want, and someone usually wants it. It was my turn the other day, I was driving down one of my favorite streets and there was a Treadmill in front of this house with a "FREE" sign on it, I couldn't get it in the car so my Father-In-Law was kind enough to come help me take it apart and put it in my basement and put it back together. I plugged it in and it works, I guess the other owners were done with walking.
The kids started their second year of school in Wisconsin and they were really happy today, they liked their new teachers and the kids in their classes. They will probably always talk about when they get to move back to California but at least now the conversations do not involve tears.
Here's some Pictures:
Sam and Isabel
The Stratton Men after a long backpacking trip
A funny picture from Uncle Dave
Isabel and her girlfriend started making jewelry and it snowballed into a real business, you can check out her website it is leimarie.info (the girls used their middle names).
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