I'm kind of a Jack Black freak now, our relatives from Illinois came for Christmas and had us watch "Nacho Libre" with them and it has now become a cult classic in 3/4's of our home (Mike was bored). Sam, Isabel and I find ourselves giving dialog from that for almost any question we are asked...like "smells like cookies" or
Esqueleto: I don't believe in God, I believe in science.
Nacho: Ok... Maybe I am not meant for these duties. Cooking duty. Dead guy duty. Maybe it's time for me to get a better duty!
Nacho: I'm a little concerned right now. About... your salvation and stuff. How come you have not been baptized?
Esqueleto: Because I never got around to it ok? I dunno why you always have to be judging me because I only believe in science.
Nacho: I'm not listening to you. You’re crazy.
Nacho: I'm not listening to you! You only believe in Science. That's probably why we never win!
Esqueleto: We never win because you are fat!
We had some friends from WI watch it and they didn't find it funny. I think you really must be from somewhere close to Mexico to understand the wrestling humor. Anyways, I digress.

Wine Cellar Birthday Party
December 8th we had a great party to celebrate my 40-10 birthday, it was a real slice of life. People from all walks of life. It was fun, all that to say...we were so busy in the end of the year I didn't do Christmas Cards and most of you faithful blog readers know everything about us anyways. I've decided to only send my blog to a few people and if it is interesting at all you can send it on to others who might be interested.
We have had a lot of snow during the holidays which was really nice and festive, I don't know how instantly after the 1st of the year it can become less festive and more of a chore. Lots of shoveling and scraping and then of course there is your heating bill. I thought we were being so wise by getting the fireplace all fixed up for winter then we went to Green Bay into the woods and cut up tons of firewood to save on our gas bill. Then our first bill came and it was double from last year!!! Come to find out that having a fire is really cozy and fun, but it sucks the heat right out of your house and then your heater has to work double to warm the house. Live and learn, guess we are back to staring at an empty fireplace.
January and February I've noticed are the months that become a bit hard in Wisconsin, today the high is about 16 degrees with the wind chill it is about zero. So people get sad, mopey, grumpy and confine themselves to their respective homes. I remember this from last year when you go outside you hold your breath because the cold is so harsh.
Haven't had any overwhelming spiritual experiences lately, so I'm kind of dry in that department. We pray, give honor to, worship God, but very quietly. If you want to write and tell me what God is doing in your life, area, side of the planet - I would love to hear.
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