Mike is a first-born, and so is Isabel (obviously). First-born children tend to think they know a lot and want to share it with the poor people (e.g., younger brothers) that have less experience on the earth.
Tonight we were driving -- it doesn't matter where, the scenario is always the same... Sam says something and Isabel corrects him. Tonight Sam said something or mimicked some dialog to a movie or show, it was quiet for a minute and then Isabel blurted out something to "help him out."
I said, "Isabel, MYOB" (Isabel's and my code for "mind your own business.")
Isabel said, "You know, before I said it, I thought about it and thought about it. I knew I shouldn't, but then I thought, "It'll feel good!"
Then, as soon as I said it, I thought, "I shouldn't have said that."
It must be such a burden to have the answer for your brother almost all the time and yet also know it won't be received well.
It's so funny to watch them grow up and really get to know your kids and not just raise them. I love getting to know them more and more. Isabel has now decided that she loves all things Ann Taylor, she goes to their website, asks me to take her to the mall all the time just to go to that store. I have to admit I would rather that she loved AT rather than cheap trendy clothes, but dang! it's expensive! I keep telling her, just get a good education and get a great job and you can wear Ann Taylor all you want.
And Sam, if anyone is looking for a person to replay every word of dialog to any show, movie, commercial or funny situation; I've got your boy! Word for word, with inflection.
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