Saturday after Thanksgiving, tons of boxes in the living room. I think I am actually doing all the decorating the rest of the time I'm trying to get the other 3 sloths in the house to at least look a bit interested. Sam actually opened the boxes last night and pulled almost everything out and 'decorated'. I was tempted to leave it the way he did it..Nutcrackers everywhere in no certain order, stockings hung, and the musical snowmen that sing and play the piano with the batteries inserted playing loud. It was perfect for him, those are the things he loves. There was not a nativity in sight - I'm getting worried about my kids.
For those of you who were wondering.. Mike and I decided to let Sam play Dungeons and Dragons, he made his character on Friday and is very excited. Today he rode his scooter over to his uncle's house to play his first day of the game. I told him he couldn't tell the kids at school that he was playing for fear their parents wouldn't let Sam play with them anymore. Oh brother, what a drama. Uncle Erik promised it would be as brainy and non-nerd creating as possible.
Tomorrow we will clean it out of him and make him go to church and stay a really long time. If it were only that easy to insert your idea of God in your children or anyone for that matter, I know how much I love God and understand that way he works in my life. So hard to show someone else, I think sometimes you just need to shut-up.
This is what Sam said to me a few months back..."Mom, you have really messed me up about God" So, I've decided to take a different tactic...that of praying for him.
Ok God it's up to you...I give!
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