Monday, June 26, 2006


When we lived in San Juan we took care of the problems around the house, but that doesn't even compare to this house.

We have had workmen or problems at least 2 a day, today the freezer wouldn't freeze and the new washer leaked, the phone stopped working and the garbage disposal sounds like a jet plane taking off (literally). I love the house and when we get things worked out it will be great.

We are definitely not the best fixers of things, we finally figured out the reason the freezer stopped working, when you came into the room and turned on the lights it came on and every time you left the room and turned off the light the freezer stopped. Why oh why, do people connect all their light switches to their plugs!! The phone cord was plugged in the wrong hole...are you seeing where I'm going with this...the only thing I can guarantee is that I did not make the garbage disposal sound like a jet engine.

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